SBRH Supplemental Adult League Rules
Revised and Adopted by SBHA Board May 2010, Revised and Adopted by SBRH Board September 2018 (kgg)
1. Rules and Regulations
AAU Hockey rules and regulations govern the SBRH. This rulebook contains amendments to the those rules. For any ruling not addressed in this amendment the AAU Hockey rules will apply along with the application of the Leagues discretion.
1. A Playing Rules
The age limit for adult leagues is 16. The age limit for coed is 11.
Three 15:00 minute periods are used with 1:30 minute period breaks and 5:00 minute pre-game warm-ups.
Tied games will end in ties unless they are playoff or championship games. In the case of a playoff/championship game, 15-minute overtimes will be used. There will be a one-minute break in between each 15-minute OT. Once a team has scored, the game will end (sudden death).
Players who receive 6 minutes of minor penalty time will be given a game misconduct and will be removed for the remainder of that game unless in the referees opinion the penalties and mentality of the player do not warrant removal for the sake of fun, fairness, and safety of the game.
A player who is ejected more than 2 times in a season will be suspended for 1 game. Players who are ejected for more than 3 games in a season will receive an additional 1 game suspension and will be subject to the league for further penalty.
In the circumstances of a player being in two or more leagues, 1 extra game ejection will be allowed for the same punishments above. In the circumstances of a player being in two or more leagues, a game suspension shall be considered a suspension from all league play until the end of the offending player’s next game in the league the offense had taken place in.
The mercy rule is an 8 goal difference. If at any point in the game there is an 8 goal difference between the two teams, the scoreboard shall read 1-0 and the game shall continue if the teams wish.
Note: league fees are non-refundable for players who are suspended or ejected from games.
1. B Teams
3 players and a Goalie, or 4 total players are required to start game.
During adult league games, coaches are not allowed on the rink.
With approval of the league, players may be allowed to play for more than one team from the same division.
Goaltenders are permitted to go to their team’s bench during play with approval from referee.
Dark and Light Jerseys are required, numbers are not. Players whose jersey color in the opinion of the referee conflicts with the opposing team’s jersey color will not be permitted to play until a proper jersey is used.
1. C Penalties
When coincidental majors are assessed, no non-offending players will be forced to serve penalty time.
The game time keeper’s responsibilities will include that of the penalty time keeper and the official scorer.
Intentionally banging boards, playing surface, or glass may be called for a minor penalty or major penalty. A player who damages part of the rink will be held liable to pay for the damaged materials replacement, and will not be permitted to play until that damage is paid for.
Shooting the puck out of the rink in the defensive zone will not be called for delay of game unless in the referee’s opinion, the player intentionally shot the puck out (regardless of whether it is in the defensive or attacking zone).
High sticking penalties that draw blood or otherwise injure an opponent will not automatically be given a 5 minute major or game misconduct unless the referee deems it is necessary. This will be based on intention, degree of injury, degree of recklessness, and demeanor of offending player.
Penalties will not be discussed during the game other than which penalty was called. Attempting to genuinely help a referee to look for a particular player or penalty when in between whistles or periods is acceptable. A player telling a referee that there should have been a call made will first be given a warning and on the second violation shall be called for un-sportsman-like conduct. This includes shouting out a penalty call during play regardless of whether it was called or not.
Any action or use of words to deliberately provoke another player shall be assessed an automatic 2 minute un-sportsman-like conduct penalty.
Turning the stick over with the blade hooking over an opponent’s stick will be called for hooking. Doing so with the tip of the blade on the playing surface against an opponent’s stick blade will be permitted.
Players in front of the net are not permitted to use excessive force with their hands or stick to push a player away from the net. Hands must be kept close to the body at all times. Players may not take running starts to push a player away from the net. Violation of the rule will result in a minor, double minor or major penalty. Using the lower body to lean or bull rush an opponent shall be permitted only in front of the immediate area in front of the goalie crease.
When defending a puck carrier, disregarding playing the puck will only be deemed legal if the defender uses his body position to remain between the puck carrier and the defender’s goalie without extending the hands, legs, hips, or any other body part. Players must remain up right with shoulders high and hands against their own body. If a player is in violation of this rule, they will be penalized a minor, double minor, or major penalty for roughing or unnecessary roughness.
Over aggressiveness play and disregard for safety that is unbecoming of recreational sports is prohibited. Any player who disobeys this rule will receive one warning. If the aggressive play continues, a 5 minute misconduct penalty will be assessed, however no team will be penalized and both teams will remain at full strength for those 5 minutes. If aggressive play still continues, a game misconduct penalty will be assessed.
All intentional minor penalties committed with less than two minutes left in a game will be subject to the league for possible additional game suspension or penalty. Likewise any intentional major penalty committed in the last 5 minutes of the game will also be subject to the league for additional suspension or penalty.
All intentional roughing, boarding, tripping, slashing, charging, checking, cross checking, Butt-ending, body checking, Elbowing, High Sticking, kneeing, or spearing will be penalized with a minimum of a double minor penalty.
2. League Philosophy
The philosophy of the SBRH is to promote the game of hockey for all skill levels in a competitive and organized environment. To foster camaraderie, friendship and physical fitness while maintaining a fun, enjoyable and safe recreational activity.
3. League Guidelines
3.1 All SBRH leagues are non-checking leagues.
3.2 Full slap-shots are permitted in all divisions except the Family Coed and Women's Leagues. No penalties are assessed unless excessive violation of this rule. Face offs will take place in the end zone of the offending players defensive zone. Slap shots shall be considered any back-swing in which the lowest part of the blade is at ankle height or higher.
3.3 All leagues except for the Adult Advanced league will have a 3 goal cap on individual players. 1 warning is given to players with 3 goals in these leagues that intentionally score or attempt to score a goal before given a minor un-sportsman-like penalty. Outside slap shots will not be considered an attempt to score. The 3 goal cap will not apply to overtime or shootouts.
4. Registration, League Dues
4.1 To complete the registration process, teams and /or players must remit league dues in accordance with the registration schedule.
4.2 Submitting partial payment DOES NOT guarantee placement in the league.
4.3 League dues may vary based on the number of games played.
4.4 Players and or teams joining after the start of the season are not eligible to play at a pro-rated rate unless pre-approved by the league director.
4.5 Any player or team whose payment defaults will not be eligible to play until their account is returns to good standing.
4.6 It is the responsibility of the player and or the team rep to ensure that all league dues are paid promptly before the start of the season.
4.7 If a player plays before paying his/her dues, that player may be suspended pending the League Director’s review, which is final and without appeal.
5. Rosters, Subs and Player/Team Placements
5.1 All players must have current AAU Hockey registration. Players without a AAU membership will not be permitted to play. No exceptions.
5.2 All rosters are due by the start of the first game.
5.3 Team rosters are limited to a maximum of 9 players and a minimum of 6 players and goalie.
5.4 All players who are on a roster are permitted to sub for any team in their league with permission from the opposing team or rink manager’s approval.
5.5 Players who are not on a roster in the league will be required to submit proof of AAU insurance as well as a $15 sub fee per game. Players who do not have both shall not be permitted to play. No exceptions.
5.6 Player and team placement shall be monitored and approved by League management so as to ensure the integrity and balance of the all levels.
5.7 The League Manager reserves the right to adjudicate on any player and/or team movement so that the best interests of the league are served.
5.8 The League Director may release any player or team if it is in the best interest of the league.
5.9 Players who are injured may not be substituted without the opposing team captain or leagues approval.
6. Non-Registered Players
6.1 Any team found using a non-registered player will be required to forfeit that game and two points will be deducted from their standings.
6.2 Should the game be called a forfeit before the start of play, the teams may stay and split the rink for practice.
6.3 The league is not responsible for teams or players who fail to attend games. The league will not compensate or reschedule games for teams who are unable to play as a result of another team’s forfeit.
6.4 All new players joining the league after the season has began must receive league approval and sign-up before he/she arbitrarily places him/herself on a team.
6.5 Should a new player and/ or team join the league and are found to be playing in an inappropriate level, the League Director has the right to move that player or team accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Santa Barbara Roller Hockey