Fall Youth League Registration Open!!
Post date: Aug 23, 2012 5:00:31 AM
Greetings Youth Hockey Fans,
## Fall Youth Season Registration Open ##
Here's our schedule for the next few weeks. If you have friends at all curious about that hockey game your kids play, please spread the word about our next free "Learn to Skate" clinics on Monday, September 10 and Tuesday September 11, and head over to http://www.sbhockey.com/register and sign your player up! If you have any problems at all registering please drop us an email: YouthHockey@SBhockey.com
Monday Sept. 10, 5pm to 7pm
Learn to Skate / Intro to Hockey Clinic for New Skaters
Tuesday Sept. 11, 5pm to 7pm
Learn to Skate / Intro to Hockey Clinic for New Skaters
Saturday Sept. 22.
8-9am 8&U Division Practice / Player Evaluation
9-10am 10&U Division Practice / Player Evaluation
10-11am 12&U Division Practice / Player Evaluation
11am - noon 15&U Division Practice / Player Evaluation
Wed. Sept. 26. Youth league registration deadline. Fees are $120 before deadline and $150 after.
Saturday Sept. 29. Draft team scrimmages. Registration closed.
8-9am 8&U
9-10am 10&U
10-11am 12&U
11am - noon 15&U
Practice and games will start the week of October 1 thru 6.
Also, for this season age divisions are based on the age of your player as of Sept. 1, 2012. This applies only to SBHA youth hockey. Traveling, High School or tournament teams may have different age requirements. Players who wish to play above their respective age division may register to do so but must also register and play in their primary age division. The eligibility to play above your age division will be determined via player evaluation by the coaches and youth committee.
Thanks and looking forward to an awesome season! - Geoff